About US

As an organization as well as an individual, we face thousands of cyber-attacks every year in different forms such as phishing, malware, ransomware attack, spoofing, account takeover etc. These attacks clearly indicate that cyber security is currently the need of hour.

Latest Hacking Updates provide updates about latest data breaches from various sources such as deep web/dark web, code repositories, and various discussion forums. It also provides updates about latest vulnerabilities disclosed in industry standard applications which helps CXOs reducing attack surface and securing their organization by upgrading such vulnerable applications. Our aim is to cater to the security needs of critical business sector such as energy, hospitality, health, transport etc.

With the motive of sharing free knowledge of cyber security, Latest Hacking Updates platform provides a section where any individual interested in cyber security can learn about latest attacks, attack surface, methodology to perform the attack and mitigations which will help individual scaling up his/her technical skills.

We are a team of professional industry experts with more than 10 years of experience working in different domains of cyber security such as Threat analysis, Vulnerability Management, Cyber Forensics & Investigations, and Compliance & Audit.

As an organization as well as individual coming from IT security background, we understand the importance of cyber security. We feel that every individual should know about the cyber warriors working in different organization and leading from the front. Latest hacking updates has decided to bring a section completely dedicated to these cyber warriors working in different post in the organization such as Bug bounty hunter/Red-teamer, Forensics Investigator, Vulnerability Manager, Security Operation Centre Lead, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO). We will be sharing their Infosec journey and the challenges they have faced to secure their organization. This will encourage potential candidates to join this field and excel in their career.

For more information, please contact us at: info[at]latesthackingupdates[dot]com or follow us in Facebook